Saturday, July 3, 2010

BB got her new clothes ON ♥

Went to Mid Valley and meet up wit Eric Soong to get my BB housing from him. 

The first thing he saw me and he asked : "Why you so thin dy geh?" 

hahaha! Be frankly I'm happy ;) Thanks Eric for made up my evening..LOLz~!

I got the RED color housing, WHITE keypad and the circle silicone cover from him. 

I'm actually intend to get the privacy screen protector too, but too bad it can't fit my screen ;( The privacy screen protector is really cool! Too BAD I can't have it!! Sighz

Here we go to see how my BB got transformed :D

*The original BB* 

*BB transform to whiteberry* 

*NEW SKIN!* with new silicone cover - front and back 

*New skin with my old red silicone cover*


*NEW housing without silicone cover* My  ♥ Raspberry

I LIKE!!! Hehee