Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rainie Day pls go away ~

Rainie day again. Everytime when raining sure caused me bad mood... Dunno why. I just dislike RAIN.

Yesterday i was leaving office at 6pm sharp... There was heavy rain outside and I quickly take the BIG and UGLY umbrella and changed my shoe to slipper because i don't want my shoe to get wet. Who knows, after i stepped out from the building, I think I was moved less than 10 steps, the rain was getting smaller. After 20 steps, rain stopped. Oh..... I forced to keep my steps cos I really lazy to get upstairs to put my stuffs. What.... I've taken the ugly umbrella and changed to slipper... so Yong Sui !

Moody Moody.... Not because of the rain only.

But... I just dunno what am I thinking about?

Do appreciate everything U had now. Don't missed any chance in your Life....